多变量线性拟合(Linear Regression with Multiple Variables)


Hypothesis function:

h = theta0 + theta1x1 + theta2x2 + ... + thetanxn # 有n个特征。
h = [theta0, theta1, ... thetan] * [x1, x2, x3, ... xn]' # 这里'代表转置

Cost function:

J(theta) = 1 / 2m *(sum(h(x(i)) - y(i)) ^ 2), i = 1 ... m # 公式其实跟单变量线性拟合一样 
J(theta) = 1 / 2m * (X*theta - Y)' * (X*theta - Y) # 矩阵表达式

Gradient decent:


repeat to converence
  theta0 = theta0 - alpha / m * sum((h(x(i)) - y(i)) * x0(i)))
  theta1 = theta1 - alpha / m * sum((h(x(i)) - y(i)) * x1(i)))
  theta2 = theta2 - alpha / m * sum((h(x(i)) - y(i)) * x2(i)))  

in other word

repeat to converence
  thetaj = thetaj - alpha / m * sum((h(x(i)) - y(i)) * xj(i)), for j = 1 ... n

in other word

theta = theta - alpha * X' * (X * theta - Y)